: an alias for gpkg_query(..., ogr=TRUE)
gpkg_query(x, query, ogr = FALSE, ...)
gpkg_ogr_query(x, query, ...)
A geopackage object
character. An SQLite/Spatialite/GeoPackage query. The query
argument is forwarded to sql
argument when ogr=TRUE
logical. Use the OGR query interface (via terra::query()
). See
details. Default: FALSE
uses 'RSQLite' driver instead of 'terra'.
Additional arguments to terra::query()
(such as start
, n
, where
, extent
, filter
) are passed when ogr=TRUE
(or using
alias gpkg_ogr_query()
). Otherwise not used.
a data.frame result of RSQLite::dbGetQuery()
or SpatVector
result from terra::query()
The GeoPackage driver supports OGR attribute filters. Provide filters in the SQLite dialect, as they will be executed directly against the database. If Spatialite is used, a recent version (4.2.0) is needed and cast operators are required to transform GeoPackage geometries to Spatialite geometries. A variety of SQL functions are available, see: <>