gpkg_table_pragma(): Get information on a table in a GeoPackage (without returning the whole table).

gpkg_table(): Access a specific table (by name) and get a tbl_SQLiteConnection object referencing that table

gpkg_collect(): Alias for gpkg_table(..., collect=TRUE)

gpkg_tbl(): Alias for gpkg_table(..., collect=FALSE)(default) that always returns a tbl_SQLiteConnection object.

gpkg_rast(): Get a SpatRaster object corresponding to the specified table_name

gpkg_vect(): Get a SpatVector object corresponding to the specified table_name

gpkg_sf(): Get a sf-tibble object corresponding to the specified table_name

gpkg_table_pragma(x, table_name = NULL, ...)

# Default S3 method
gpkg_table_pragma(x, table_name = NULL, ...)

  collect = FALSE,
  column_names = "*",
  query_string = FALSE,

# Default S3 method
  collect = FALSE,
  column_names = "*",
  query_string = FALSE,

gpkg_collect(x, table_name, query_string = FALSE, ...)

gpkg_tbl(x, table_name, ...)

gpkg_rast(x, table_name = NULL, ...)

gpkg_vect(x, table_name, ...)

gpkg_sf(x, table_name, ...)



A geopackage object or character path to GeoPackage file


character. One or more table names; for gpkg_table_pragma() if table_name=NULL returns a record for each table. gpkg_table() requires table_name be specified


Additional arguments. In gpkg_table() arguments in ... are passed to dplyr::tbl(). For gpkg_table_pragma(), ... arguments are (currently) not used. For gpkg_rast() additional arguments are passed to terra::rast(). For gpkg_vect() additional arguments (such as proxy=TRUE) are passed to terra::vect().


logical. Materialize a data.frame object in memory? Default: FALSE requires 'dbplyr' package. TRUE uses 'RSQLite'.


character. Used only when collect=TRUE. A character vector of column names to select from table_name.


logical. Return SQLite query rather than executing it? Default: FALSE


gpkg_table(): A 'dbplyr' object of class tbl_SQLiteConnection

gpkg_collect(): An object of class data.frame

gpkg_tbl(): An object of class tbl_SQLiteConnection

gpkg_rast(): A 'terra' object of class SpatRaster

gpkg_vect(): A 'terra' object of class SpatVector (may not contain geometry columns)

gpkg_sf()): An sf-tibble object of class "sf", "tbl_df". If the table contains no geometry column the result is a "tbl_df".


tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")

r <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "dem.tif", package = "gpkg"))

           destfile = tf,
           RASTER_TABLE = "DEM1",
           FIELD_NAME = "Elevation")

           destfile = tf,
           append = TRUE,
           RASTER_TABLE = "DEM2",
           FIELD_NAME = "Elevation")

g <- geopackage(tf, connect = TRUE)

# inspect gpkg_contents table
gpkg_table(g, "gpkg_contents")
#> # Source:   table<`gpkg_contents`> [?? x 10]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.47.1 [/tmp/RtmpNWZURM/file1f9431a52e1b.gpkg]
#>   table_name data_type      identifier description last_change min_x min_y max_x
#>   <chr>      <chr>          <chr>      <chr>       <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 DEM1       2d-gridded-co… DEM1       ""          2025-03-16…  6.01  49.7  6.27
#> 2 DEM2       2d-gridded-co… DEM2       ""          2025-03-16…  6.01  49.7  6.27
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: max_y <dbl>, srs_id <int>

#>   table_name           data_type identifier description
#> 1       DEM1 2d-gridded-coverage       DEM1            
#> 2       DEM2 2d-gridded-coverage       DEM2            
#>                last_change    min_x    min_y    max_x    max_y srs_id
#> 1 2025-03-16T19:10:54.530Z 6.008333 49.69167 6.266667 49.94167   4326
#> 2 2025-03-16T19:10:54.566Z 6.008333 49.69167 6.266667 49.94167   4326

# materialize a data.frame from gpkg_2d_gridded_tile_ancillary
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

gpkg_table(g, "gpkg_2d_gridded_tile_ancillary") %>% 
  dplyr::filter(tpudt_name == "DEM2") %>% 
  dplyr::select(mean, std_dev) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>    mean std_dev
#>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1  324.    58.5
