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DATA: 'Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States'
hydricsoils Data Directory
indicator_to_name() name_to_indicator() indicator_to_usesym() usesym_match() usesym_to_indicator() fihs_match()
Convert between Indicator Codes, Names and Area Symbols
cache_lrrmlra_geometry() clear_lrrmlra_geometry() lrrmlra_geometry() lrrmlra_geometry_dsn()
Download and Cache or Load Latest 'MLRA Geographic Database'
mlra_to_lrr() mlra_to_mlraname() mlraname_to_mlra() lrr_to_mlra() lrr_to_lrrname() lrrname_to_lrr() lrrmlra_match()
Convert between Land Resource Region (LRR) or Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) Symbols and Names
DATA: 'Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin'
Plot the Usage Area of a Field Indicator for Hydric Soils