Create a bounding box polygon Python object for use with gd_download(). The coordinates of the bounding box are expressed in WGS84 decimal degrees ("OGC:CRS84").




One or more SpatRaster, SpatRasterCollection, SpatVector, SpatVectorProxy or SpatExtent objects (whose combined bounding box extent will be returned); or the following named numeric arguments: xmin/ymax/xmax/ymin. If these four limit arguments are not named they should be in the stated order.


a list object describing a GeoJSON bounding rectangular polygon suitable for use as regions argument to gd_download() or gd_search()


Expecting total of 4 bounding box arguments, If arguments are unnamed they should be in the following order: "xmin", "ymax", "xmax", "ymin".


  xmin = 5.744140,
  ymax = 50.18162,
  xmax = 6.528252,
  ymin = 49.44781
#> $type
#> [1] "Polygon"
#> $coordinates
#> $coordinates[[1]]
#> $coordinates[[1]][[1]]
#> [1]  5.74414 49.44781
#> $coordinates[[1]][[2]]
#> [1]  6.528252 49.447810
#> $coordinates[[1]][[3]]
#> [1]  6.528252 50.181620
#> $coordinates[[1]][[4]]
#> [1]  5.74414 50.18162
#> $coordinates[[1]][[5]]
#> [1]  5.74414 49.44781