• With reticulate >= 1.41.0 call py_require(c("earthengine-api" , "geedim")) on load

  • Default Python virtual environment name changed from "r-reticulate" to "r-rgeedim"

    • Use gd_install() to initialize a new environment if needed.
  • gd_projection(): update for earthengine-api usage of ee.projection.Projection class

  • Replace use of knitr + rmarkdown with litedown for readme/vignette building

  • gd_authenticate(): Updates

    • Added force and scopes arguments from earthengine()$Authenticate(). force defaults to TRUE for consistency with prior behavior, and because users often want to use gd_authenticate() to change existing credentials.

    • Updated documentation for other auth_mode e.g. "colab"

  • gd_initialize(): Updates

    • Added arguments credentials, cloud_api_key, url, http_transport and project

    • Deprecated argument opt_url (in favor of url)

  • Argument updates compatible with older versions of earthengine-api (< 0.1.382)

  • For gd_install() method="virtualenv" or method="conda" if an environment of envname (default: "r-reticulate") does not exist, it gets created before running py_install()

  • Add gd_spectral_distance_metrics() enum helper

  • Added gd_install() for installation of ‘numpy’, ‘earthengine-api’, and ‘geedim’ Python modules via reticulate::py_install() or a system() call

  • gd_bbox() will now calculate a bounding box extent from one or more {terra} SpatRaster, SpatRasterCollection, SpatVector, SpatVectorProxy input (in addition to existing support for SpatExtent)

    • Note that gd_region() allows for more complex boundary input via SpatVector or Well-Known Text (WKT) string
  • Improved coercion interface for non-{terra} objects

    • The following inputs are now converted to {terra} equivalents (or their extents) as needed: WKT string, Spatial* ({sp} package), Raster* & Extent ({raster} package), sf* and bbox ({sf} package). WKT strings and SpatExtent-like objects (Extent, bbox) are assumed to be in the "OGC:CRS84" coordinate reference system.
  • Updates to .onLoad() to avoid error messages related to Python 3 configuration discovery for {reticulate}
  • Updates to support new image export to asset functionality in geedim 1.6+

    • Added gd_export(), a helper method for exporting images to Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage Bucket, or Earth Engine Project assets.

    • Added gd_export_types() "ExportType" enum helper function

    • Added gd_asset_id(), a helper method for creating asset IDs from a file/asset name and (optional) project name.

    • Added gd_get_asset(), gd_update_asset(), and gd_delete_asset(), helper functions for accessing, updating and deleting assets created in a Google Cloud project (i.e. those created via gd_export(..., type="asset"))

  • Fix for R <4.1 compatibility (replaced lambda \(x) function syntax, replaced apply(..., simplify=FALSE) usage)
  • Initial CRAN release

  • gd_region() now supports more complex SpatVector geometries (no longer uses extent to form bounding box if x is SpatVector or can be converted to one)

  • Add gd_is_initialized() and use for examples and other conditional evaluation of code that requires authentication and initialized ‘Google Earth Engine’ resources

  • Better handling of additional arguments (i.e. crs, resampling, method) in gd_download() when x is a MaskedCollection and composite=TRUE.

  • Added helper methods for working with the geedim enums: “CloudMaskMethod”, “CompositeMethod” and “ResamplingMethod”

  • Added gd_mask_clouds() for masking out clouds or to apply a fill mask

  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.